Thursday, 9 December 2010

The NLP Accelerated Learning Program

The NLP Accelerated Learning Program is made of 5 phases. By understanding the phases and owe they are separate and unique to each other, you are able to breakdown your learning from being a massive task into separate areas each with their individual process and task.

This 5 step approach is what i have found to be the most powerful way to creating learning that allows you to go though all 3 levels of learning and to get to the identity level with your any new.

Each of the phases is extremely important in its own right and you shouldn't try to skip any phases as it will have detrimental effects on what you learn, how much you recall and most importantly how much you will actually apply the learning or new skill in your life.

1. Preparation 
in the preparation phases we are setting up all the factors to give use the highest chance for successful learning. This involves establishing a clear purpose for the learning and what the goals are for using the learning in the world.
2. Inputting 
The inputting phases is the actual process of where we take the information and goals that we have set out in the preparation phase and we begin to input that information into our brains.

This phase involves everything to do with reading, listening, watching and absorbing information. This is the phase that for most people takes the longest amount of time. It's also the phase where it is often easiest to increase our speed compared to normal learners. This is also the phase that normal accelerated learning focuses on. Skills such as accelerated reading are used in the inputting phase.
3. Connecting 
This part of the system is where you continue to make the make connections and process all that we have input with the information that we already have.

The connections that you make in this process are often the most powerful part of learning. This is where you begin to have you aha moments and start to see how things fit in and how they will be able to be used. The stimulating and processing phase is the biggest phase that most learning totally overlooks.

Most models of learning as being based on the concept of inputting information and recalling information. They overlooked the concept of thinking about the information and how it related to other information and experiences that you previously had. By connecting new learning things you already know establishing a synergy, where in the output and action is greater than the two separate pieces of information combined.

4. Revision 

This is where we take the learning that you've got in inputting phase as well as the new connections that you may in assimilation phase and we revise the information via a revision and replication schedule. It allows us to take any information that is useful and take it from our short-term memory eventually over to our long-term memory. Without this phase we risk losing all the new learning that were taken in and having wasted our time for the long-term benefit.

5. Applying/Integration 

Learn means nothing without application. In the last phase of the system, we are totally focused on the application and use what we have just learnt in the real world. This phase involves mental rehearsal and preparation for real-world use of any information that has practical value to us.

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